Weekend Box Office Mar 22-24

The croods





The Croods took the #1 spot by a wide margin with an estimated $44.7 million, and $108m worldwide.  People love their cavemen cartoons. The Croods also serves as the biggest hit Nic Cage has had in a VERY, very long time. Can you see his overacting in the pixels?

In #2 was Olympus Has Fallen with $30.5m, which is larger than the latest Die Hard film…which is ironic since this is pretty much Die Hard in the White House.  Gerard Butler desperately needed a hit, and here he got one.  Audience reaction seems to be very positive as people are fond of things that go boom.

In 3rd was Oz, the Great & Powerful, with $22m for a $177m total.  The film is officially a hit as it will cross the $200m threshold by next weekend. James Franco also led the specialty releases as his Spring Breakers managed 6th place with $5m on only 1100 screens…half as much as Admission. Speaking of, Admission, Tina Fey and Paul Rudd’s romantic pairing, didn’t do as well with only $6.4m.  For a wide releases, this is ROCK bottom.  See what I did there?  Hello?

To hear more about this coming week’s releases, including G.I Joe Retaliation, Tyler Perry’s Temptation and The HOst, be sure to listen to our newest episode of The HO – Ep 85:

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