Vote For The Hollywood Outsider In The 2024 Podcast Awards!

Please vote for The Hollywood Outsider at!

The Podcast Awards award the best in podcasting, and the finalists are determined by YOU, the listeners. Therefore, here we are, asking for your support. Before July 31st, you may cast your vote for us, if you would, and we would be eternally grateful.

Visit, complete the brief setup, check the podcasts you are voting for – The Hollywood Outsider can be found in the following categories: TV and Film and People’s Choice, and Inspired By A True Story can be found in True Crime and then complete the short voting ballot (be sure to elect that you will vote as part of the finalist voting committee if you choose), click submit, check your email for a verification reply (this is done to protect the legitimacy of the voting process), and that’s it!

Thank you all for your time and support, we can’t tell you how much it means to all of us.

People’s Choice and TV & Film

The Hollywood Outsider

True Crime

Inspired By A True Story

About The Hollywood Outsider

The Hollywood Outsider is the award-winning film and television podcast with news, reviews, interviews, and relevant weekly topics. In a world stuffed to the brim with narrow-sighted critics and judgmental film enthusiasts, we offer content for film lovers of ALL genres. From Steven Spielberg to Michael Bay to Wes Anderson to the independent filmmaker you have yet to know by name, The Hollywood Outsider is determined to give them all their fair shake. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and reviews as much as we enjoy creating them.