Episode 115 Trailers

As usual, we discuss the most interesting trailers to have hit the interwebs over the course  of the last week.  This week is no different, and we have two vastly different movies to look at. Be sure to listen to Episode 115 to hear our take on these.

Homefront – Jason Statham stars in a film written by Sly Stallone and co-starring James Franco (who is this guy’s agent?!) about hillbillies trying to take out an undercover cop.  Here, judge for yourself.


Paranormal Activity – The Marked Ones – Yep, another PA movie…with a LOT more special effects. Does this get you excited for the franchise again?

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The Hollywood Outsider is the award-winning film and television podcast with news, reviews, interviews, and relevant weekly topics. In a world stuffed to the brim with narrow-sighted critics and judgmental film enthusiasts, we offer content for film lovers of ALL genres. From Steven Spielberg to Michael Bay to Wes Anderson to the independent filmmaker you have yet to know by name, The Hollywood Outsider is determined to give them all their fair shake. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and reviews as much as we enjoy creating them.