Film and Television Reviews

Our reviews, as written by The HO staff.

What If…? Presents Infinite Possibilities With MCU Favorites

Narrated and guided by "The Watcher" (Jeffrey Wright, Westworld), each animated episode of What If...? takes us on a roughly 30 minute journey using familiar characters, voices, and moments from the MCU films (except Chris Evans, because contracts) to present you with an alternative reality. What makes this series pretty magical is there is no fan-obsessed debate over how things "should" end up. No one is right and no one is wrong; it is just a concoction of hypotheticals for our pure entertainment where one simple change causes a catalyst of changes.

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Fear Street: Part One 1994 | Film Review

Fear Street: Part One 1994 kicks off with a beautiful twist of an homage to the first Scream, mirroring the method and timing of the kill(s) early on, along with other tributes such as a prick making a mockery of the recent murders down the school hallway, and even a score reminiscent of Scream at times. All before making a tongue in cheek jab at R.L. Stine's The Wrong Number. Homages can be very hit or miss depending on how crafty the director is in balancing the tightrope of "remake" and "homage", but Fear Street's Leigh Janiak knocks it out of the park. Fear Street plays like a love song to the 90s with feverishly fun kills and an outstanding soundtrack.

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