Aaron Peterson | Editor-in-Chief

Profile artile stretch

As someone who spent much of their youth in a struggling community, I was blessed with the guidance of my mother to escape those tribulations through the world of cinema.  No matter how poor or destitute we might have gotten, once a week the trip to the local theater was my 2 hours of solitude.  Nothing could get me or to me during those moments, and my love for all things film grew from there.  It started with learning how the camera worked, to the editing process, to acting, until finally, writing.  This love of film is still the main proponent of the writing I do, which is now primarily found within this website.

As a film critic myself, the idea was fused that perhaps my love of film could be additionally served both through the evolving form of podcasting, as well as the standard written critiques of the films themselves. When we began The Hollywood Outsider in 2011, not many podcasts focused on the BIG PICTURE in film and television. Instead, it was generally cemented around discussing or mocking one specific movie, typically with a heavy-handed dash of elitism. We wanted more than that, I needed more than that. Therefore, The Hollywood Outsider was born in an attempt to discuss a myriad of topics, while also serving as a forum for the ‘Average Joe’ – those film buffs who can appreciate Taxi Driver just as much as they can Transformers – to listen and laugh without an ounce of pretentiousness. I try to approach each film on its own merits, and through the eyes the filmmakers intended. Sometimes that involves praise, occasionally it demands trivializing.  Whatever the case, I love to see, write and talk of films and all they have given me.

On a personal front, I am a married father of 2 who is desperately waiting for one of them to strike it rich and pay back their insurmountable debt.  I have been producing and hosting The Hollywood Outsider for several years now – in addition to reviewing film for many years before that – and I love to do this. It’s my own personal playground. I especially love the feedback from each of you out there, as the whole point of this podcast and the community that follows us was to create an open dialogue that forbids exclusion,  about that topic which Justin, Brian, Scott and myself love – the entertainment of movies and television.

Enjoy yourself. Be unique. Most importantly, Buy Popcorn.


Email: Aaron@thehollywoodoutsider.com
Twitter: @AaronSmirks

2017 Academy of Podcasters Awards – Best TV & Film: The Blacklist Exposed
2017 People’s Choice Podcast Awards – Best TV & Film: The Hollywood Outsider

Articles on Aaron Peterson:
Register Star ‘Slice’ editorial
Scooping Hollywood | Podcast Breaks Through
Timelines of Success’ interview

Aaron’s Film Reviews