Sleepaway Camp (1983) | A Hollywood Outsider Movie Commentary

A cinematic experience one must see to understand

In all of its gloriousness, we have done a live commentary track to go along with your watch of the movie Sleepaway Camp. Joined by guest and former co-host of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, Scott Clark, who has made it his life mission to get one pair of fresh eyes on the film each year. Since Scott and Aaron have seen Sleepaway Camp numerous times before, they provide real-time trivia while John and Amanda gape at just what the heck is happening. Pull up this link to watch Sleepaway Camp or watch the film below while you listen to our live commentary track!

After a horrible boating accident kills her family, shy, sullen Angela moves in with her eccentric Aunt Martha and protective cousin Ricky. One summer, Martha sends the kids to Camp Arawak. Soon after their arrival, bizarre, increasingly-violent accidents claim the lives of various campers. Who is the twisted individual behind these murders?

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