Unlocked: The World of Games Revealed is an 8-part documentary series about video games with a unique format. Director Jeremy Snead follows multiple Hollywood celebrities including Tom Arnold, Sean Astin, and Michael Rooker (all gamers themselves) as they dive deep in the games industry. The series dives deep into the world of video games, interacting with industry icons, celebrities, field experts, and even consumers themselves. Snead offers his audience an inside look at the multi-billion dollar industry, its culture, the technology behind it, and a look at the past and future of the industry.
Snead directs this series, which is a follow up to his 2014 debut documentary film, Video Games: The Movie, which was a passion projects about his favorite hobby. He is the founder of the award-winning film and television production studio Mediajuice Studios in Dallas, Texas. Scott sits down with Jeremy to talk about his love for video games as well as the process it took to make his latest documentary series. She shares his thoughts on the public’s perception of video games and the positive impact gaming has on society.
You can find more on Jeremy and his work at MediaJuiceStudios.com and the film itself at UnlockedTVShow.com.
You can also listen to Scott’s interview with him from 2014 about “Video Games: The Movie” HERE.
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