The Dark Tower is what separates man from eternal damnation, the physical force that keeps the monsters in the dark at bay. Roland Deschain is the last Gunslinger, and he has been fighting an evil known as the Man in Black for as long as he can remember. Only the power of specific children can bring the Tower crashing down, and Jake Chambers just might be the child that can pull off that feat entirely by himself…if the Man in Black can get to him before Roland does.
For this special episode, Aaron and Scott sat down with community members and die-hard book readers and fans, Dustin Baker and Troy Heinritz, to discuss the film adaptation of Stephen King’s magnum opus, The Dark Tower, starring Idris Elba as Roland and Matthew McConaughey as the Man in Black. We take a deep dive into the long-awaited cinematic adaptation starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey, and discuss our thoughts on the film both as casual and devoted fans. Stick around until the end, as Dustin recounts his IGN sponsored trip to the exciting New York premiere of the film!
Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Podcast:
- The Dark Tower has met its fair share of critics, does it deserve such heated debate?
- Nikolaj Arcel and his choices with both story adaptation and direction
- The book influences and relevance, for both die-hard and casual fans.
- Favorite and least favorite moments
- The casting of Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey
- Dustin recounts his attendance at the New York premiere of the film.
- Be sure to read Dustin Baker’s review on the film HERE
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