The Best of Comic-Con 2014


Constantine Pilot

Of all of the pilots screened at Comic-Con, Constantine was the one I was most skeptical of. The original film with Keanu Reeves was fine, but it was never something that demanded 22 more hours of explanation. So walking into the this with that trepidation I have to admit, this was pretty fun! This pilot has been reworked and changed from what appeared online (sorry if you thought you saw it, they duped us), specifically the ending. Matt Ryan plays our British demon-slayer whose soul is damned to hell. No, he doesn’t smoke…and I can honestly say it affected the character not even a little bit. This is a fun, breezy show that seems better suited to cable than NBC, yet NBC is where it will be come this fall.

Also, fun fact dropped by producer David S. Goyer at the Constantine panel: Bear McCready (Battlestar Galactica) will be scoring this series. Bazinga!


The Flash Pilot

Fun fact: I wanted to see Gotham so bad, I sat through this pilot again just to watch Gotham even though I had literally just watched it 2 days before. It held up.

Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) falls victim to one of those giant Smallville industry accidents. You know, the kind where other people get caught in them springing forth super villains aplenty? Yea, one of those. Thankfully, Barry has a heart of gold and now he has the power to go really, REALLY fast. The pilot is the normal setup for a superhero show and separates itself from the CW’s Arrow by painting this hero as not a shadow in the darkness, but a beacon of light. It is a refreshingly upbeat tempo and Gustin fills the role with gusto (yea, I said it). Toss in one of the better cameos in recent memory and you have another win for The CW.

Speaking of Arrow, Amell confirmed that Ra’s al Ghul will be dropping by for Season 3 of the hit show. Also, he showed us all his fantastic abs. There are women still swooning over that one. Ok, I am too.


Wayward Pines Pilot

Yep, even M. Night Shyamalan brings us a new series, this one in the vein of Twin Peaks. Matt Dillon plays Secret Service agent Ethan Burke, a man searching high and low for two missing agents. His search unwittingly brings him to the town of Wayward Pines, Idaho. This is no ordinary town. Once you’re here, it seems impossible to leave. They have a fondness for piss-poor medical care and serving their guests green beans and gravy. This is one of those ‘quirky’ shows. Does it work? Mostly. There are a few instances where the pilot seems to be trying a bit too hard, but overall this is a strong enough setup with an amazing cast (Melissa Leo, Toby Jones, Carla Gugino) to entice me to tune back in for the 10-episode run of the series.

M. Night assured those in attendance that the series will explain exactly what is going on in Wayward Pines early in the series’ run. If that holds, this could be a very fun watch this fall. Just remember it’s from M. Night. He made After Earth.


iZombie Pilot

On the other side of the coin is iZombie. Brought to us from the creator of Veronica Mars, Rob Thomas, iZombie is about a zombie working for a coroner’s office to gain access to the brains she needs to retain her humanity. She stops eating, she becomes more of a monster. OHHHHHH yea, and when she ingests said brains, she gains the victims memories and therefore assists the local popo with crime-solving. This sounds about as good as it is. Though lead Rose McIver does everything possible to liven up the proceedings, the premise is simply too ridiculous to digest. Perhaps the series will find its footing as it progresses, but as of now this is a poor man’s combination of Veronica Mars and The Walking Dead. That isn’t nearly as good as it sounds.

Be sure to listen to our dedicated podcast episode for the San Diego Comic-Con! Now available at iTunes, Stitcher, or listen below!

Keep reading for the trailers dropped during Comic-Con!

About Aaron B. Peterson

Aaron is a Rotten Tomatoes accredited film critic who founded The Hollywood Outsider podcast out of a desire to offer an outlet to discuss a myriad of genres, while also serving as a sounding board for the those film buffs who can appreciate any form of art without an ounce of pretentiousness. Winner of both The Academy of Podcasters and the Podcast Awards for his work in film and television media, Aaron continues to contribute as a film critic and podcast host for The Hollywood Outsider. He also hosts several other successful podcast ventures including the award-winning Blacklist Exposed, Inspired By A True Story, Presenting Hitchcock, and Beyond Westworld. Enjoy yourself. Be unique. Most importantly, 'Buy Popcorn'.