The Best of Comic-Con 2014


The Hobbit Panel

If you were hoping for some juicy nuggets from Peter Jackson on The Hobbie: Battle of the Five Armies, you would be sorely disappointed. The WB had cagey panels all the way this year and The Hobbit was no different. He did elude to offering up a 25-minute-added extended edition of Desolation of Smaug later this year and showed the beautiful Five Armies trailer, and then POOF – he was gone. It really didn’t matter. Jackson could flip off every single person in Hall H and that crowd would eat it up.


Supernatural Panel

Another fun session from the boys as they described the upcoming 10th season of the cult phenomenon. Yes, 10th! From Demon Dean wrecking havoc, to Mark Sheppard being made a regular, to the 200th episode being ‘Musical-ish’ – This sounds like a hell of a season for Supernatural fans. For being a show I do not watch, this was also one of the most fun panels I attended.


The Following Panel (possible spoilers for Season 2)

Kevin Bacon and company offered up a nice alternate ending to Season 2 that showed Joe Carroll…DEAD! Yes, originally they were going to knock off the infamous cult leader and instead went a different direction to keep his presence on the show. I actually thought this alternate ending was the stronger way to go. We were promised a change-up in tone this upcoming season with Carroll behind bars, a new danger lurks…


Evil Dead – The TV Series

Yes, Sam Raimi announced a new Evil Dead TV SERIES is in the works! And it’s supposed to star Bruce Campbell himself?! This little gem was the highlight of an already wonderful reel. Grooooooovy.


The Last of Us

Are you a fan of the magnificient PS3 (soon to be a PS4) game The Last of Us, about a man protecting one young woman from zombies and humans alike? Then you’re in luck! Sam Raimi also announced a film version of the game is in the works, and rumor has Maise Williams (Game of Thrones) in talks for the lead. This could be something special.


Legendary Panel

Not only did Legendary finally confirm that Warcraft would be hitting theaters March 2016, they showed the title! Yes, the title. It looks roughly like…Warcraft. While that little sliver was not much to behold, the next piece of info is: Skull Island is coming! Yes, that little island that King Kong was harshly drug off of is coming to theaters in a few years. This seems like a perfect idea to introduce a few new monsters into the world.

Speaking of monsters, Legendary also announced the gigantibeasts for the next Godzilla film, tentatively titled: Godzilla….2! Rodan, Gidorah, and the almighty MOTHRA! Rawr.

Be sure to listen to our dedicated podcast episode for the San Diego Comic-Con! Now available at iTunes, Stitcher, or listen below!

Keep reading for breakdowns on several of the pilots screened, the Game of Thrones panel, as well as trailers for Mad Max, Horns, Hobbit 3 and more!

About Aaron B. Peterson

Aaron is a Rotten Tomatoes accredited film critic who founded The Hollywood Outsider podcast out of a desire to offer an outlet to discuss a myriad of genres, while also serving as a sounding board for the those film buffs who can appreciate any form of art without an ounce of pretentiousness. Winner of both The Academy of Podcasters and the Podcast Awards for his work in film and television media, Aaron continues to contribute as a film critic and podcast host for The Hollywood Outsider. He also hosts several other successful podcast ventures including the award-winning Blacklist Exposed, Inspired By A True Story, Presenting Hitchcock, and Beyond Westworld. Enjoy yourself. Be unique. Most importantly, 'Buy Popcorn'.