Never quit on your dreams feels like the most American of genres. Perseverance, grit, determination, and that sheer ability to always keep moving forward against all odds has been the bedrock for inspirational Hollywood storytelling since the inception of celluloid. A Million Miles Away asks: what better story could there be to tell than that of the son of Mexican immigrants working for decades to achieve his personal goal of becoming an American astronaut?
To answer that question, Michael Peña stars as José Hernández, the aforementioned son of immigrant farmers who have come to America with a goal of giving their children all of the tools possible for prosperity. The film spans several decades, showcasing how difficult a dream such as his can be for anyone, let alone someone who begins his climb with nothing. We follow José through various facets of life; as a young boy pining for the stars, as a college graduate, his first job as an engineer, his relentless pursuit of NASA acceptance into the space program, and ultimately the relationship that will take José to the next level, that of meeting his future wife, Adela (Rosa Salazar).
It is here that A Million Miles Away truly shines: familia. Though the pursuit of José’s starry-eyed dreams is always in flight, it is his family that captivates every frame of the story. José’s parents – his father in particular – aspire to do whatever it takes to help their kids succeed, even giving up their home to put José through college. His cousin remains steadfast in his unwavering support, despite struggling to make his own ends meet. Lastly, his father reminds José of his five keys to success at a very young age, and these are whittled into the film as defining chapters of José’s life. Also, it might be a bit ironic that there are five keys and José also has five kids. But I digress.

Michael Peña has been an underappreciated actor through most of his career, but he excels here at reminding the world that occasionally, just being a good person with determination and a will to grind is enough to succeed. José was not blessed with the ability to spend a fortune to hone his dream or learn necessary skills, therefore he must put his nose down and continue moving forward, working harder and more diligently than his peers. Peña dials down his wry wit and ability to induce laughter with the twinkle of his eye, and instead hones that leading man quality so often overlooked, delivering a multi-layered performance while ignoring the flashier choices many other actors would utilize.
Rosa Salazar deserves a special mention, speaking of family, as the most devoted spouse one could imagine. That said, anyone who disbelieves in this level of devotion have sadly failed to experience the beauty of a Hispanic household. Family comes first in the Hernández home, and if it takes struggle and sacrifice to help José reach the stars, Adela will do everything and then some to make it happen. Even with those five kids. It is the strength and power of Salazar’s performance, and this combined relationship with Peña, which truly makes this film soar.
Director Alejandra Márquez Abella and her fellow screenwriters Bettina Gilois and Hernán Jiménez have wisely chosen to eschew typical Hollywood tropes and focus on what truly helps one achieve their dreams, their family and friends. You can do it alone, sure, but a strong support group of people whose belief in you often overwhelms one’s belief in themselves is a stronger factor of success.
A Million Miles Away is the kind of inspiration the world needs right now; a charmingly heartwarming tale of love, family, dedication, and perseverance.
The Hollywood Outsider Review Score
Performances - 8
Screenplay - 7.5
Production - 7
Captivating performances led by Michael Peña and Rose Salazar elevate A Million Miles Away a cut above similarly themed films.
Starring Michael Peña, Rosa Salazar, Garret Dillahunt, Julio Cesar Cedillo
Screenplay by Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez, and Alejandra Márquez Abella
Directed by Alejandra Márquez Abella